Issue Position: Seniors

Issue Position

Congressman Hinojosa is an advocate for the federal programs that America's seniors depend upon. He strongly believes that Social Security and Medicare are promises of health and quality of life for the elderly. That is why he has spent his time in Congress fighting to strengthen and preserve these programs.

Congressman Hinojosa opposes the current Republican Medicare proposal that would end Medicare as we know it by changing it from a guaranteed benefit plan to a voucher system. Seniors would be forced to find a private insurance company and hope their government subsidy would pay the cost of the premium. If it didn't, they would have to pay the difference. There is also no guarantee that the benefits they now enjoy would be offered by the private company. Medicare was initially created because private insurers could not provide reasonably priced coverage to seniors, who often need costly and long-term treatment, and were reluctant to take on participants with expensive pre-existing conditions.

Republicans are also looking to repeal the health care reform legislation that requires insurance companies to cover individuals with pre-existing conditions, restores the donut hole that costs seniors thousands of dollars in out of pocket costs just when they need the benefit the most and eliminates the provisions that would help make Medicare more solvent by controlling costs through preventive care and eliminating fraud and abuse.

Hinojosa will continue to fight for Medicare and Social Security, ensuring their ability to serve future generations. He is committed to the disabled, disadvantaged, and the retirees that depend on these hugely successful programs.
